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The registration period for Dr Sophie Cello Lab 2.0 Fall 2024 is closed

Please enter your name and email address below if you would like updates about Cello Lab 3.0, Spring 2025 


             SEPT 2 - DEC 8 


A transformative 14 week online course for cellists

What will I learn in Cello Lab 2.0: Cello Reveries?


~Cello Lab 2.0 is focused on improving how we practice, creating and achieving clear, attainable goals. The program is divided into three modules, each centered around a romantic piece; i) Saint-Saëns' Le Cygne, ii) Fauré's Après un Rêve, and iii) Schumann's Träumerei. The Cello Labs are designed to act either as the sole source of cello instruction, or to co-exist alongside in person lessons with a local teacher. We will examine important musical-technical building blocks (described below) and how these can be applied to the module pieces. Together, we will explore ways to play with more freedom, singing melodic line, colour, and expression.

How will Cello Lab 2.0 make my practice more focused, goal oriented and rewarding?


Cello Lab 2.0: Cello Reveries is about helping you to improve what happens when you're in the practice room. We're talking about less zoning out, less ingraining bad habits, and more daily successes and attainable achievements --every time you practiceEach week, you will receive a practice session proposal, offered at three levels of difficulty; with Dr Sophie's guidance, you will pick the level that will be most beneficial to you at this point in your cello journey.


What kinds of musical-technical tools will we be studying? 

Musical-technical tools we will study include: 

  • Discipline and Strategies in the Practice Room 

  • Self-awareness (including engaging the full body, relaxation, and working with gravity)

  • Shaping a Musical Line

  • Free Vibrato and Continuous Vibrato

  • Expanding your Colour Pallette 

  • Bow distribution

  • Shifting (including an in depth look at different types of expressive shifting)

  • Stylistic Ornamentation 


  • An increased musical-technical toolkit to improve your practice and cello playing

  • Deeper understanding of the language and structure of music 

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Increased awareness of common practising and technical pitfalls

  • Strategies for more focused, effective, and rewarding practice

  • Higher motivation

  • More confidence, freedom, and ease in playing


Weekly Practice Strategies


Every week, you will receive a 60 minute weekly practice session proposal (these are offered at three levels for you, with Dr Sophie's guidance, to pick the level that will bring you the best results today). Every practice session activity is driven by a clear and attainable goal.


Individual Sessions

I'll meet individually with you for one hour each month. We will work together to develop a comprehensive plan to help you advance with tools customized to your specific merits and areas of weakness.

Recording Oneself and Personalized Video Feedback


Regular self-video recordings are a wonderful tool for self-improvement. In Cello Lab you are encouraged to make at least one short weekly recording of something you are practising (it can range from just a few bars of an exercise to an entire piece) and to write your own self-critique of it. 

In addition, you have the option of Dr. Sophie's written feedback on a biweekly video recording (this could be a practice recording, or a recording made for a Live Studio class, as you prefer).


Weekly Live Studio Class 


Each week we will have a one hour live studio class. This is your chance to perform works in progress in a supportive group setting, ask questions, get feedback from your peers, and participate in group discussion.


​​Weekly Workout 


Each week I’ll lead a live one hour workout. These are hands on workouts with the cello, introducing concepts and putting them into the immediate context of exercises and musical repertoire. This is a chance to play along with Dr Sophie and your colleagues, together trying out musical-technical approaches, exercises and studies, and to ask any questions as they arise! The goal is to increasingly challenge you mentally, musically, and technically in a fun, supportive community environment.


Pop up Challenges! 


Every few weeks, I’ll set a new challenge related to a current topic we're exploring. For example,  I could ask you to play a short musical phrase/technical excerpt and record/post this video to the group or to document your own practice as you work through a tricky passage. These challenges are optional but highly recommended.


Guest Masterclasses 

Each month, we will have a 2 hour guest masterclass with top international performers and teachers from the esteemed music schools. This is a very special opportunity to play for the masters; students in conservatories often only have this kind of opportunity as a result of winning a competition.


Small Group Sessions 

Work with two other students in small groups, learning from each other and the personalized feedback you receive from Dr. Sophie and your peers. These 90-minute sessions will occur once a month and focus on one of several topics you choose.


Online Cello Community Group 


This exclusive access (optional) Facebook group is where you can come to share questions and discoveries about your cello work with the rest of us. I’ll also be regularly monitoring the group and providing feedback. 


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Cellist Uri Vardi has performed as a recitalist, soloist, and chamber player across the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, and Israel. Born in Szeged, Hungary, Vardi grew up on Kibbutz Kfar Hahoresh, Israel. He studied at the Rubin Academy in Tel Aviv, was an Artist Diploma student at Indiana University, and earned his master’s degree from Yale University. His teachers have included Janos Starker, Aldo Parisot, Eva Janzer, and Uzi Wiesel. He has served as Assistant Principal cellist of the Israel Chamber Orchestra and Principal cellist of the Israel Sinfonietta. In 1990, following an extensive teaching and performing career in Israel, Vardi assumed the position of Cello Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison, which he held until retiring in 2022. As a Feldenkrais practitioner, he emphasizes in his teaching the correlation between sound and movement and conducts masterclasses worldwide. Vardi is the founder and Artistic Director of Your Body Is Your Strad, formerly known as the National Summer Cello Institute (NSCI).

Vardi has initiated projects involving collaboration between Oud and Cello, culminating in the 2008 premier of Joel Hoffman's The Forty Steps, a double concerto for Cello, Oud and Orchestra with the Madison Symphony Orchestra. He released two CDs with Delos Productions: Brahms, The Three Piano Trios, and Soulmates, Music for Cello,Clarinet and Piano, and a CD with Centaur Records of Brahms’ two Cello Sonatas and sixLieder. Vardi has also released an album of compositions for Cello and piano written bycomposers of the St. Petersburg School (“Society for Jewish Folk Music”).


Brandon Vamos is professor of practice (cello) at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and a member of the Pacifica Quartet, the school's quartet-in-residence.

He has appeared as soloist with orchestras worldwide and has collaborated with many distinguished artists, including Paul Katz, Michael Tree, Yo-Yo Ma, Menahem Pressler, and the Emerson Quartet, and has recorded for Cedille, Naxos, and Cacophony Records. Awarded a Performer's Certificate at the Eastman School of Music, where he earned a Bachelor of Music degree as a student of Paul Katz, Vamos has also studied with distinguished artists such as Tanya Carey in Macomb, Ill., and Aldo Parisot at Yale University, where he earned a Master of Music degree. As a member of the Pacifica Quartet, he won a 2009 Grammy Award for Best Chamber Music Performance and the Cleveland Quartet Award, in addition to being named Musical America's 2009 Ensemble of the Year.


Israeli-Mexican-American cellist Michal Shein is a performer, master educator and cultural leader focused on empowering the next generation of musicians in New England and across Latin America. She is the Artistic Director of Cellisimo, the highly regarded festival that has trained 60+ Spanish-speaking cellists from limited resources, providing them with masterclasses with world-class faculty, transformative wellness sessions, and a nurturing supportive community.  A sought-after teacher, Michal is recognized for a nurturing pedagogical style and highly effective methods for holistic musical advancement. In addition, Michal maintains a career as a soloist, orchestral cellist and chamber musician. She frequently appears with prominent ensembles and orchestras in the Boston area, and has a new collaboration with award-winning classical guitarist Adam Levin. She holds degrees from U.C. Berkeley and the New England Conservatory. Michal serves on the faculty of the New England Conservatory, Boston String Academy and the University of Rhode Island. 

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How much does the course cost?

The cost for the entire 14 week course is $1500. Several payment options are available.

Why were the particular pieces for Cello Lab 2.0 (i) Saint-Saëns' Le Cygne, ii) Fauré's Après un Rêve, and iii) Schumann's Träumerei ) chosen?

Cello Lab 2.0 is focused around improving practice in a meaningful way in the context of three beautiful romantic adagio works. Each of these three beloved works draws on the theme of reverie, or "dreaming," and offers its own unique opportunities to explore important aspects of music-making. Aspects such as how to spin out a melodic phrase, how to create a singing line, how to produce a beautiful tone in the upper registers, how to vary timbre ("colours") in our playing, and how to develop an expressive vibrato. Cello Lab 2.0 is about music-making, and these three pieces lend us a wonderful way in!

How do I register for the course?

To register for the course (during an open registration period), please complete the short registration form HERE. I will then email you to schedule a "no obligations introductory call" with me to discuss  your goals and see if the course is a good fit.

When does registration close?

Places are limited. Registration for the course will close when 15 students enroll or on Monday, August 26 (whichever comes first).

What do I need for the course?

You need a reliable internet connection and a device that can run Zoom. A quality microphone and hi-speed internet connection are recommended, but not required.

How long does the course run?

The course runs from September 2 through December 8, 2024. There will be two "reflection" weeks when no group activities will be held. Optional assignments will be set during these two weeks. You can use this time to do these extra assignments, catch up on material you’ve missed, or to simply take a break.

What is your refund policy?

Participants may receive a full refund within 14 days of the start of the course. After that point, students are committed to paying for the entire course.

I’m busy or my schedule changes frequently, what if I can’t attend some of the live weekly meetings?

Not to worry! Recordings are made of all classes and will be available within 48-72 hours of the original class date for you to review at a more convenient time.

When will the group sessions be held?

Weekly workouts will be held early in the week, usually on Monday morning or early afternoon. Weekly studio classes are typically held on Saturdays, although ultimately it will depend on when participants have most collective availability. Guest masterclasses will be scheduled about once  a month. Regular class times/days may be rescheduled occasionally when I have performance conflicts. Upon enrollment, you will receive a link to a Google calendar where all session dates/times will be regularly updated.

I am a beginner, is this course for me?

Cellists at just about any level can benefit from this course, although most cellists who enroll are intermediate to advanced/professional level. Complete the initial registration form by clicking the button below and we can determine if the course is the right fit for you.

The registration period for Dr Sophie Cello Lab 2.0 Fall 2024 is now open!!

Cello Lab 2.0: Cello Reveries, exploring ways to play with more freedom, colour, expression, and a truer legato, in the context of three romantic favourites: Saint-Saëns' Le Cygne, Fauré's Après un Rêve, &  Schumann's Träumerei.

I'm ready to improve my practising & cello playing now!

(and schedule an "introductory no obligations" call with me)


 “Beyond the weekly training classes with Dr Sophie, the small group sessions, masterclasses, bi-weekly challenges and videos really breathed new life into my practice sessions as I have new techniques, tools and ideas to explore further and incorporate into my muscle memory... Overall, the Cello Lab has been a transformative experience for me, and I am excited to continue my musical journey with my newfound skills and confidence.”

~Carla K.


“I was a little apprehensive about signing up at first because I am not an expert cellist, but there were cellists at varying abilities participating, and there was ...a lot in it...for everyone...I’m going to be able to continue to refer to the course materials and practice all the things that Dr Sophie taught...She’s a very skilled cellist, but she’s also an extraordinary teacher. She is technically knowledgeable and adept, but more importantly, she’s patient and positive. I think we all enjoyed the course and I would take another course by her without hesitation. I highly recommend her Cello Lab for everyone.” 

~Stephanie S.


"Dr Sophie is a great teacher! She's not intimidating or overpowering or any of that, and explains things really well."

~Leslie H. (professional cellist)

“Dr Sophie Cello Lab is a wonderful opportunity to take a look at all things involved in playing the cello, and the toolkit she offers makes it possible to improve in a systematic way. The group experience...added a new dimension to lessons and classes. Dr Sophie is a really great teacher, and I appreciate her candid but polite and positive feedback. I appreciate her approach which is always supportive and courteous, but not at the expense of being helpful and direct.”

~Steve S. 


“...Thank you so much for all the cello knowledge you have shared in this wonderful course. Your efforts will pay dividends to your students for years to last lesson felt... transformative, getting a good glimpse of the sound I can make.  It's not there all the time, but I'm hearing it more often... I have much more work to do so it is consistent...thank you for helping me develop as a cellist. Now off to practice!"

~Patricia M.

“The chance to interact with professors of this level of musical knowledge and mastery of the instrument, starting with the leader of the lab, makes everything absolutely worth it”

~Felipe E.


"Thank you again for a wonderful two weeks of learning! I was introduced to so many new concepts and ideas,  and they will be techniques I will use for the length of my cello journey. You were fabulous to work with and I am grateful to have had this opportunity.”

~Ridie G.


"“I've really enjoyed your course, Sophie, and learned a lot that was either new or a good review.  Your teaching style, even at a distance, is very warm, sensitive and kind, a rare gift and one that inspires."

~Linda M.


“Thank you Sophie for all your support, teachings, suggestions and kindness. I'm so glad I signed up for the program.”

~Melanie M.


“I thoroughly enjoyed participating in the Cello Lab and I highly recommend it.”

~Sophie H.


 14 x 60 min weekly written practice session proposals ($1400 value)


3 x 60 min one on one sessions with Dr Sophie ($375 value)


6 x written feedback on video recording ($600 value)


12 x 60 min live studio classes ($1500 value)


12 x 60 min hands on weekly workouts ($1500 value)


4 x pop up challenges ($400 value)


3 x 2hr guest masterclasses (in Cello Lab 2.0, classes will be offered by world-class cello pedagogues and performers, Uri Vardi, Brandon Vamos and Michal Shein) ($1500 value)


3 x 90 min small group sessions with Dr Sophie, focusing on one of several topics you choose ($550 value)


Online cello community group ($250 value)

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